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Tuesday, December 3, 2013


According to my blog, my life is this constant adventure right?  Wrongo.  I work all day Monday through Friday.  So we save the adventuring for Saturdays.  I'm lucky enough that I have a solid chunk of time during the day to myself while the kids are at school.  So what do I do after I'm done with errands?  I like to cozy up to a good book.  I've always loved to read but it really is hard to find time when you get older and busier and boring (er?).  In the seven months I've been here, I think I've read around fifteen books.  No they don't have pictures.  Proud?  Because I am just a little bit!

My favorite kind of books are the ones that make you think or give you a new perspective.  You always finish with the feeling that you can and actually will change the world.  No matter how fleeting that feeling is,  it truly is a good one.  Then there are those teen fictions that are quite the guilty pleasure to us all.  Come on..  Hunger Games?  Do I dare say it? Twilight?  Those were brilliant.  Anyways I want to share my top 5 reads that have kept me going during the lonely days away from home.  So here it goes:

The Screwtape Letters
C.S. Lewis

I think that we can all agree that C.S. Lewis was an absolutely brilliant man and inspired many people with the things he wrote.  This is just another to add to that inspirational list.  This book is written in the format of a bunch of letters written to a young demon from his devil uncle.  It shows how the adversary is constantly trying to tempt us and bring us closer to destruction.  This book will bring you to the top of your game spiritually and open your eyes to how hard the enemy tries each day to persuade you to the path of unrighteousness.

George Orwell

Most people read this one by force sometime in high school.  Unfortunately that wasn't the case with me, so I was curious what it was all about.  I'll just put this out there.. This is not a happy book.  At all.  It does make you think though, and that's what counts.  This is George Orwell's prediction of what the year 1984 would be like.  Although very dreary, it inspired me to try to go against the norm and stand up for what I believe in.  Maybe you will get something else out of it, but it's definitely worth the read.

Little Bee
Chris Cleave

If you have a tender heart, this will get to you.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry a few times throughout the book.   Little Bee is about a young african refugee and all of her struggles along her journey and once she makes it to the United Kingdom.  This is truly an inspiring story and shows the good and bad of humanity.

Looking For Alaska
John Green

This is the tale of a boy searching for the "great perhaps".  Meaning, it's a story about a bunch of kids just trying to figure life out.  Do I agree with how they do that?  Not necessarily.  But I think that we are all trying to figure out what this life is all about and how to really live.  This was a page turner and full of surprises!  Check it out.

The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Mitch Albom

Maybe I just have a thing for inspiring, beautiful stories, because I'm sensing a pattern.  This book is just that.  Like the title entails, this tells of the five people you will meet in heaven that tell you why things happened in your life and what they meant.  This is a must read.  I promise it will make you think and give you the warm fuzzies you're looking for.

Finals are ending, Christmas break is coming up.  You have no excuse not to pick one of these up and be inspired.  Happy reading!



  1. Hey girl! I love your blog! So chic! I had no idea you were living/working in NYC. How awesome! I hope it's alright that I added to you my blog roll :) Keep posting!

  2. 1984. yaaaaaawwwn.
    I am curious to read Little Bee though. Thanks for the suggestions.
    I hope you stick with blogging this time, I love reading about your life (;

  3. Read Screwtape years ago; still remember some things from it. C. S. Lewis has led me for several years now. Suggest Neal A. Maxwell's "Enoch Letters". (You know Grmmer and her religious books.) Love your blog!!!
